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We greatly appreciate the support of our donors. Every dollar helps us to continue our

Volunteers Needed

We welcome you to become part of our Pet Therapy Team! There are many ways to get

Programs & Pets

We offer many programs that bring our pets to you. From Schools to Offices, our pets bring smiles wherever they go.

Pals For Life Video

Pals For Life Pets

PFL pets include dogs, cats, rabbits and guinea pigs. We also have a resident rabbit, Sprinkles, that participates on pet visits as well as our corgi, Mr. Smart T. Pants.

All pets must pass an evaluation in order to participate. Any breed of dog is eligible.

Other types of pets that have participated include ferrets, a duck (Mrs. Peabody), a miniature horse, a bearded dragon and a turtle (Turbo).

Pals For Life featured on 6abc

Celebrating 40 Years!

Spring Appeal to begin May 1st

The demand for our therapy programs continues to grow, but we need your financial support to continue to make them happen. And right now, thanks to an extremely generous donor, your donation can go three times as far.  Our donor has recognized the need and offered to match any donation we receive from now through June 30, 2024.  Just go to our donate page to participate.

Volunteers Needed for the Iron Pigs Bark in the Park Events

PFL has established a new partnership with the Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs. Our volunteers will help to register pups at the entry gates for their Bark in the Park events on June 4th and Aug 27th. We will have a table explaining our mission to the general public. Volunteers need to arrive by 5 pm at Coca Cola Park in Allentown and stay through the 2nd inning., Then they are welcome to enjoy the game in any general admission seat. If you are interested in volunteering contact

Children’s Summer Program – What Did The Dog Say?

Children between the ages of 4 – 8 are invited to join PFL’s summer programing starting with an interactive animal communication class.  Participants will learn how a dog expresses itself with its tail and eyes and what it is trying to say.  This one-hour workshop which begins on June 11th at 10 am will be followed on consecutive weeks with workshops entitled If I Were A Pet and the following week, Fun Facts About Our Animal Friends. The goal of all the workshops is to encourage empathy, understanding, responsibility and compassion toward our animals.  The cost for the workshops is $20 for one and $50 for all three. For more information contact

Save the Date – Annual Auction and Benefit

This year Pals For Life will be celebrating their 40th Anniversary with a spectacular Sunday brunch on November 17th beginning at 11:30 am at the Inn at Villanova.   Everyone is welcome to attend this exciting event.   More details will follow this summer.

Together we can make a "Pawsitive" difference in someone's life.

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