Donate Now

We greatly appreciate the support of our donors. Every dollar helps us to continue our

Volunteers Needed

We welcome you to become part of our Pet Therapy Team! There are many ways to get

Programs & Pets

We offer many programs that bring our pets to you. From Schools to Offices, our pets bring smiles wherever they go.

Watch our feature on 6abc

Pals For Life Pets

PFL pets include dogs, cats, rabbits and guinea pigs. We also have a resident rabbit, Sprinkles, that participates on pet visits as well as our corgi, Mr. Smart T. Pants.

All pets must pass an evaluation in order to participate. Any breed of dog is eligible.

Other types of pets that have participated include ferrets, a duck (Mrs. Peabody), a miniature horse, a bearded dragon and a turtle (Turbo).

Upcoming Events

Mark Your Calendars for Food, Fun and Fabulous Prizes!

It’s time for PFL’s signature event – Bow Wow Bingo!  So mark your calendars and gather your friends for the festivities happen on April 4th with doors opening at 6 pm.  The event will be held at the Inn at Villanova which has the perfect room for Bingo plus the food is fantastic. Information will be available soon for sponsorships for the event, sponsorship for games and Early Bird admission tickets.  You don’t want to miss out of this great event!  So plan on joining us on April 4th.

Is Your Pet A Love Bug?  It’s Time To Make It Official!

Pals For Life is officially declaring February to be the month of the LOVE BUG. Is your pet worthy of the title?

For a $20 donation your pet will officially join our LOVE BUG BRIGADE.  They will be featured for a day on our Facebook page with their picture and a story or a love note from you.  For example – “To my best friend and heart dog Mr. Smart T. Pants – You put the love in Love Bug”. Your pet will also receive a personalized certificate, suitable for framing, declaring that they are part of the LOVE BUG BRIGADE.

To participate you can go to or send a check to 35 Grove Ave, Devon, PA 19333. You are responsible for providing us with a picture and note or story as soon as you register. Hint – if you are using Givesmart – to pay use the button on top of the page that says Pay. Your pet does not have to be a therapy pet to participate. For multiple pets a picture with all of them with one certificate is $20, separate photos/certificates are $20 apiece.

Experience the Magic

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