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Programs & Pets
Pals For Life Pets
PFL pets include dogs, cats, rabbits and guinea pigs. We also have a resident rabbit, Sprinkles, that participates on pet visits as well as our corgi, Mr. Smart T. Pants.
All pets must pass an evaluation in order to participate. Any breed of dog is eligible.
Other types of pets that have participated include ferrets, a duck (Mrs. Peabody), a miniature horse, a bearded dragon and a turtle (Turbo).
Upcoming Events
Bow Wow Bingo Is Back
Come join us for a fabulous time at our 21st Annual Bow Wow Bingo on Friday April 4th at the Inn at Villanova. Doors open at 6 pm, followed by a buffet dinner at 6:30 pm. Bingo begins at 7 pm. There are eighteen games to try to win some fabulous prizes such as a $200 gift card to Wegmans or a $100 gift card to Target. New that night will be our first Lucky Duck Pond – pick a duck and see if you win a prize. There also will be raffles, a 50/50 and new merchandise for sale.
Early Bird Adult Tickets are $85 and Children’s are $55. They are available until March 26th.
A Table of 8 which can combine any age group is $600 and is available only until March 26th. Table must be paid for in one check or credit card purchase.
You can also sponsor a game for $325. It includes 2 admissions with Bingo cards for all 18 games, you can call the Bingo numbers of that game, your sponsorship is listed in the program, in our newsletter and on social media, your logo appears on the screen during your game and your promotional material is included in the Bow Wow Welcome packet.
Other sponsorships are available. Purchase tickets or sponsorships at