It's Easy To Help Us!

There are many ways that you can help us!
Donate “In Memory Of “or “In Honor Of” someone’s birthday, anniversary or any other special occasion. It is the perfect way to celebrate with the person who has everything or to remember a loved one.
Use Facebook to start a Fundraiser with proceeds going to Pals For Life.  It’s easy and a great way to celebrate your birthday, your pet’s birthday – any occasion!
Amazon Smile.
Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your Amazon Smile purchases to Pals For Life when you designate us as your charity. Go to and start shopping!
Woof Trax
Raise money just by walking your actual or virtual dog! Download the WoofTrax app on your mobile phone, choose Pals For Life as your charity, and start walking. We receive a donation for every mile you walk.
Matching Gifts
Ask your employer if they will match your charitable donation.
Designate your United Way Donation.  Fill out a United Way Donor Choice Form and designate Pals For Life as your charity. Our agency number is 05716.
Other ideas
We would love to see you at one of our special events.  If you can’t make it you can always donate your ticket to someone else.  Host a yard sale, a car wash, a dog wash, a doggy treats bake sale or a supply drive.  We are always ready to listen to creative ideas!   Just email us at

Our Purpose is to have pets and people help each other to live happier, healthier and more fulfilled lives.

Have any questions?